gal – Say the Right Thing

There’s an art to conversation. A certain “rules of engagement” that we never learned in school. We know to speak when we are spoken to, never interrupt the other speaker and put a lid on our potty mouths. But the added anxiety of dating tosses even the simplest of lessons in the mental trashcan. Here’s how to get out of disaster before the whole night crashes and burns in front of you.

Called her by the wrong name. Oops, she’s Jennifer not Jessica. Apologize quickly and briefly. The more fuss you make, the more embarrassed she’s likely to be. Know that messing up a person’s name upon introduction is one of the most common public speaking gaffs. Hint: To prevent the name snafu, as soon as she says it, say it three times to yourself. Repetition helps keep names in short term memory.

Insulted his family. You are an opinionated lady and you have no trouble asserting yourself when it comes to politics. But now that you found out his father and mother are both on the local zoning board—the one that you called innately corrupt—it would behoove you to apologize immediately. The time for political debate is not now. Yet, there’s no need to back pedal. Simply say: “I’m sorry, I know they must be very dedicated to the welfare of the community.” Then let it go. Believe it or not guys like women with strong views. Just remember to ask if he’s affiliated to the things you despise–first.

Made fun of her favorite movie. Now this is tough—it’s not good to slight something that may have touched her soul. But couch your expression of derision and say: “I can see how the story appeals to gentle souls, I just expected more from the actors/director/special effects team.” You can’t take back your opinion, so use it as an opportunity to find out the other movies she likes. Offer a few of your favorites. Be prepared if say she says they are all stupid. You don’t have to agree with her, besides everyone knows that “The Deer Hunter” was awesome.

Told him he was cute. This isn’t the end. And it makes the guys feel good. Hey you like compliments, so does he. If he looks embarrassed, tell him you’re sorry but you calls ‘em as you sees ‘em. A forthright gal is so much better than the mincing little liars he’s bound to meet.

Told her you liked her ___. Oh no you didn’t! Oh yes you did. And now there isn’t a whole big enough to crawl in. Alright, you were thinking it the moment you saw her. She has some serious booty. And then your tongue jumped into the driver’s seat. Apologize. For saying it—not for liking it. If she’s embarrassed, change the conversation to TV, order her a drink or ask her a question about her career. If she laughs, still apologize but know that you’ve got a good sport for a date. And don’t do it again.

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